This 2nd Port Finance International Casablanca conference will once again gather industry experts to explore the region's ports, transport and logistics infrastructure and focus on trade facilitation and logistics competitiveness - whilst also investigating the opportunities on offer for those looking to capitalise on the country's unique global geographic, financial, industrial and political position.
Agenda - Day 1
08:30 Registration & Welcome Tea/Coffee
09:45 Opening Notes from Conference Chair
Michel Donner, Senior Advisor, Drewry
09:55 Introduction from Francine Torbett, British Consulate-General, Casablanca
10:00 Keynote Address - Morocco’s Ports - A Transport and Trade Gateway to Africa
HE Mr. Aziz Rabbah, Minister of Equipment, Transport and Logistics, Morocco
10:20 Short Break
10:25 An Overview of Morocco’s New PPP Law
Najat Saher, Head of National PPP Unit, Ministry of Economy & Finance, Morocco
10:45 An Overview of Morocco's Port Developments and Outlook
Sghir El Filali, Director of Regulation and Ports Development, Agence Nationale des Ports (ANP)
11:10 Tea/Coffee Break
11:30 A Review of Morocco’s Preparations to Join the IMO
Mohamed Marzagui, Division Chief, Maritime Navigation, Merchant Marine
11:45 Short Introduction to the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA)
Asmaa Benslimane, Founding President, WISTA Morocco
12:00 Development of Container Activities in Casablanca Port
Rachid Hadi, Executive Board Member and Operations Director of Casablanca Port, Marsa Maroc
12:25 TNG Hub Terminal as Key Accelerator for the Moroccan Economy
Elad Levi, Business Performance and Finance manager, APM Terminals Tangier
12:50 The Position of Morocco in Global Maritime Transport
- Benchmark with ITF members
- Mega-ship readiness
- Port-city integration
- Port system complementarity
Olaf Merk, Administrator Ports and Shipping, International Transport Forum (ITF) at OECD
13:15 Lunch Break
14:15 The Lifecycle of Investing in a Port Project
- Assessment and selection of projects
- Expectations: project vs investor and vice versa
Nico Berx, Director, Port of Antwerp International
14:40 Private Sector Participation
David Allan, Principal Banker at European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
15:05 EIB and its Approach to Financing the Maritime Sector
Pierre-Etienne Bouchaud, Representative, European Investment Bank
15:30 Case Study: Financing of Small Cap Container Terminal
- Case of Le Verdon sur Mer
Cyril Peri, Chief Financial Officer, SMPA
15:55 Tea/Coffee Break
16:20 Controlling Risk and Insurance in African Port Projects
- Key insurance issues relating to the development of ports and terminals.
- Focus on project control, operational issues, concessions
Andrew Webster, Partner, JLT
16:45 Using Engineering Advice to Reduce Risk
- Technical due diligence
- Concept and feasibility
- Project development
Gordon Rankine Director, Beckett Rankine
17:10 Balancing and Calculating ROI and Risk against Cost of Technical Developments
- Impact of larger vessel size on port infrastructure costs
Marine Perret, Principal Maritime Engineer, Ports & Marine, Aecom
17:35 Summary Notes Followed by Networking Reception until 19:00
Agenda - Day 2
08:30 Registration & Welcome Tea/Coffee
09:45 Opening Notes from Conference Chair
10:00 Developing a Single Window Trade Portal for Global Trade Facilitation
Richard Morton, Secretary General, IPCSA (International Port Community Systems Association)
10:25 Panel Discussion - How a trade information portal can be a pathway to international trade
Moderated by: Richard Morton, Secretary General, IPCSA (International Port Community Systems Association)
Panelists include:
Tarik Maaouni, Director of Organization and Information Systems, Agence Nationale des Ports (ANP)
Isidore Biyiha, General Director, GUCE-GIE
Jalal Benhayoun, General Manager, PORTNET S.A
Yann Alix, General Delegate, SEFACIL Foundation
11:25 Tea/Coffee Break
11:45 How do West African Ports adapt to the Changing Patterns in Container Shipping?
- An update of fast paced African projects, linked to shipping industry evolution. Both are changing quite fast.
Michel Donner, Senior Advisor, Drewry
12:10 Developing a Service Network - Hinterland Connectivity
Mohamed Ben Ouda, CEO, SNTL (Société Nationale des Transports et de la Logistique)
12:35 Question and Answer Session
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Development and Skills Transfer of Ports in Morocco: Progress and Prospects.
- The development of strategic focused skills in port developments in Morocco
- Skills transfer projects: Morocco / Africa South-South cooperation;
- Connections: the emergence of Morocco as a development hub for port and maritime skills
Ahmed Lotfi, General Manager, LA-Skills
14:25 Regional Opportunities beyond the Gibraltar Strait
Alejandro Lopez, Ports Commercial Director, OHL Concesiones, S.A.
14:50 Moroccan Tax Guidelines, an Incentive Tool for Investment in the Port and Maritime Sector
- A review of taxes relating to the Moroccan port and maritime sector
- A treatment of tax benefits given to Tanger Med port and all other maritime activities throughout the Kingdom of Morocco
Mohammed Adnane Ouzzine, Financial Adviser, Ministry of Economy and Finance
15:15 Areas of Logistic-Manufacturers Harbour and Port Efficiency
- Essay of application of the theory of the stakeholders
Mustapha El Khayat, President, AMLOG
15:40 - Summary Notes followed by Tea/Coffee Break
*Certain speakers, topics, titles and content may be subject to alteration. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the programme as necessary
Registration is Closed.
Conference Venue:
The Port Efficiency Forum Morocco conference is being held at Sofitel Casablanca Tour Blanche.
Located in the heart of the Sidi Belyout business district and next to Casablanca port.
Hotel recommendation:
Please contact Nawal Souky directly to arrange your accommodation at the Sofitel.
Port Finance International has secured preferential rates:
- Classic room 2450 MAD
- Superior 2650 MAD
- Luxury 2850 MAD
Breakfast at 250.00 MAD per person per day
Taxes 49.50 MAD per person per day.
Reservations department phone number: (00212) 522 456 300
Please note that Port Finance International cannot assist you with applying for or obtaining visas. For information about visa requirements and application procedures please contact your local Embassy or Consulate.