Brazilian ports are the gateways to more than 80% of the goods imported and exported by the country. Investing in the port sector is an on-going priority in Brazil, which is export-dependent for much of its economic growth. But the country's ports are underdeveloped by global standards. "The port sector is critical to our country's development, and so we must consolidate ideas that can remove obstacles to the growth, as well as create conditions for increased port capacity and competitiveness of Brazilian goods and services in the global market", said Wilen Manteli, the President of the Brazilian Association of Port Terminals (ABTP).
Day 1 - Wednesday 4th March 2015
08:30 Registration and Welcome Tea/Coffee
09:30 Opening Notes from Conference Chair
Robert Grantham, Consultant, Datamar Consulting
09:45 Keynote Address 1 – Brazil’s Ports Law - An Update
An update on the planned investments and perspectives of port sector growth. This session will cover issues such as overdue lease contracts or win by 2017; early renewals of leases and the granting of private use terminals.
Fernando Fonseca, Director, ANTAQ
10:15 Latest Private Sector Investment Opportunities Nelson
Luiz Carlini, Chairman, LOGZ Logistica Brasil
10:40 Tea/Coffee Break
Session 1: Economic and Political Outlook Impacting Commercial Planning
11:00 The Political and Economic Challenges facing Brazil’s New Government
João Augusto de Castro Neves, Director - Latin America, Eurasia Group
11:30 Election Fever – the Impact on Brazil’s Ports Sector
Elias Gedeon, Director, Notre Dame Consulting/FIESP
11:50 Balancing Labor Challenges with the New Port Law
Joao Emilio Freire Filho, Executive Director, Comissão Portos
12:15 A Comparative Analysis of the Public and Private Ports Sector
- Merits and limitations of public and private ports
Jose Luiz Canejo, Managing Director, Log&Port
12:40 Lunch
Session 2: Factors Driving Brazil’s Ports & Terminals Expansion & Planning
14:00 Opening Notes from Conference Chair
Elias Gedeon, Director, Notre Dame Consulting/FIESP
14:10 Overview of the Brazilian Shipping Sector
- Bulk and containers
- Where are we, where are we moving to?
Robert Grantham, Consultant, Datamar Consulting
14:35 Larger Vessels Putting Pressure on the Container Industry
- Development of vessel sizes, alliances sizes and the impact on ports and cargo interests
- A global evaluation
- Regional impacts in Latin America and ECSA
- Ongoing SAM port/terminal projects and how they are adapting to new shipping industry demands
Michel Donner, Senior Advisor, Drewry
15:00 Impact and Reaction to Increased Vessel Size in ECSA Ports
- The demand for new investment and adjustments, which includes also environmental licenses, political coordination and government investment
Marcelo Procopio, Commercial Director, Sepetiba Tecon
15:25 Tea/Coffee Break
15:50 Driving Brazil’s Port Expansion and Changing the Face of Logistics Development
- Challenges and opportunities for development
Patricio Junior, CEO, Port of Itapoa
16:15 Case Study Session: Port Financing in Brazil - KfW IPEX-Bank’s Approach
Alexander Schober, Vice President, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
16:40 Case Studies Session:The Carrier’s Perspective – What are their Requirements?
Panelists include:
Luiza Bublitz, Commercial Director, Mercosul Line
Peter Grangaard Gyde, CEO, Maersk Line Brazil
17:20 The Operational Obstacles for Business
- The so-called ‘Brazil-cost’
Thomaz Favaro, Senior Analyst, Latin America, Control Risks
17:45 Summary Notes and Close of Day 1 followed by Networking Reception until 18:30
Day 2 - Thursday 5th March 2015
08:30 Welcome Tea/Coffee
09:30 Opening Notes from Conference Chair
Michel Donner, Senior Advisor, Drewry
Session 3: The Role of the Operator
09:45 Keynote Address - The Role of the Private Operator
Murillo Corrêa Barbosa, President, ATP - Associação dos Terminais Portuários Privados
10:15 – Brazilian Port Reform
Wagner de Sousa Moreira, Technical Director, ABTP
10:45 Tea/Coffee Break
Session 4: Brazil’s Infrastructure Challenge
11:15 Crunch Time for Brazilian Infrastructure
Jorge Sere, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Division - Latin America Coordinator, PwC
11:40 Delivering Port and Terminal Infrastructure; Risks, Insurance and Opportunities
Stephen Leeming, Associate, JLT
12:05 Overcoming Brazil´s Infrastructure Challenge
Carlos Campos Neto, Planning and Research Analyst, IPEA - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
12:30 Panel Discussion: Supply Chain Verticalization – Friend or Foe?
Moderated by: Luis Fernando Resano, Executive Vice President, Syndarma
Panelists include:
Claudio Loureiro de Souza, Executive Director, Centronave
Rodrigo Paiva, Business Developer & Port Lead Consultant, Mind
13:15 Lunch
14:15 Operational Port Single Window
- Integrating digital systems used by customs terminals with those used by the regulatory agencies
Matheus Miller, Executive Secretary, ABTRA
14:40 Technology and Automation in Brazil: Outlook into the Future
- Responding to the Challenges in the Region – Logistics and Supply chain bottle necks, Increasing vessel size (faster turnaround time)
- The developments of the ports, terminals and infrastructure – including finance and the impact of investments and regulations
- Responding to new demands with intelligent solutions
- How to implement new technology into existing operations to meet new demands & regulations
Kaushik Jadhao, Senior Project Manager, TBA
15:05 Two Industries, Similar Challenges – How the Maritime Industry can Benefit from Aviation Know-How
- Lessons learnt from the Brazilian airport privatization
Christian Meyer, Managing Consultant, Lufthansa Consulting GmbH
15:30 Shore Connection: Technology Development and Key Success Factors
Lorène Grandidier, Strategic Marketing Manager, Schneider Electric
15:55 Tea/Coffee Break
Session 5: Brazil’s Legal & Policy Challenges impacting Port and Terminal Development
16:15 Overview of the New Ports Legislation and Developments from 2012 Onwards
Karin Yamauti Hatanaka, Partner, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados
16:45 Maritime Arbitration in the Brazilian Scenery
Dr. Rodrigo Marchioli, Partner, Marchioli & Minas, Founder, CBAM - Brazilian Center for Maritime Arbitration
17:15 Brazil Ports Legal Focus Session
- Overview of reforms
- Implications for the ports sector
- Are these reforms progressive or a hindrance?
Moderated by Karin Yamauti Hatanaka, Partner, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados
Panelists include:
Daniel Gabrilli, Partner in Administrative Law, Cardillo & Prado Rossi Sociedade de Avocados
Dr. Rodrigo Marchioli, Partner, Marchioli & Minas, Founder, CBAM - Brazilian Center for Maritime Arbitration
Germaine Robinson, private consultant - GLR Services, attached to BTP
17:45 Summary Notes and Close of Conference
- $3540 / €1095 / US$1370
10% discount for 2 employees from the same company, registering and paying at the same time.
30% discount available for association and media partners associated with the event.
Registration is closed.
Centro de Convenções Bolsa do Rio
Praça XV de Novembro, 20 Térreo - Centro - Rio de Janeiro / RJ - CEP 20010-010
We are very pleased to have secured preferential accommodation rates for our delegates at the Windsor Atlantica Hotel
Av. Atlântica, 1020 - Leme Rio de Janeiro, 22010-000, Brazil - +55 21 2195-7800
Guests can book directly with the hotel
Tel: +55 21 2195-7800
Please quote reservation code: 2784536
Superior Single - BRL 570, 00 + Taxes
Valid from 1st March to 6th March 2015
Check in from 2pm
* Rates are subject to availability
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